is a management book that keeps you engaged. Without giving high fundas, it achieves the paradigm shift for the right objectives a company must have. This is in fact the best book I have read on positive thinking though I don’t remember ever coming across the word “positive” in the entire book (!??!.. not so sure about it).
Story revolves around Alex, an executive who has the challenges of safeguarding three of his companies all with different problems from being sold to competitors and dissolved, saving the jobs of those involved and also securing his own job. It is interesting to read how Alex and his teams follow a systematic process to reach breakthrough solutions and make unbelievable profits. It’s not just enough to have intuition but should have a process to systematically put your intuition to work. It is this story through which author successfully explains the complex steps involved in a technique, Thinking Tree.
If a little bit of plagiarism is no crime, here I go..” You need to believe that it is possible only then you will have the stamina to go and look for it! The knight who doesn’t believe in the Holy Grail will never find it. And the one who does? Try and stop him.”